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Mu Online tools

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Mu Online tools Empty Mu Online tools

Mesaj Scris de tw33ty Mar Apr 15, 2008 10:46 pm

COmenzi Game Master (GM) Mu_online :
am gandit sa pun comenzile GM pentru uni admini care nu le stiu

/Trace (charname) = teleport GM char to a user
/SetBlock (charname) = ban user
/UnsetBlock (charname) = unban user
/disconnect (charname) = disconnect a user
/disablechat (charname) = chatban(disable chat) a user
/enablechat (charname) = remove chatban from a user
/GuildDisconnect = disconnect whole guild
/GuildWarEnd (guildname). Ends guildwar(decide the outcome based on points)
/GuildWarStart (guildname) = starts the war
/GuildWarStop (guildname) = just stop the war
/Make = Item/monster making(works only on chinese letters)
/RemainTime = Shows the remaining time for prepaid accounts. Only useful on paid accounts.

! (msg) = global message (gold letters on screen)

/move (charname) mapnumber locX locY = move selected character to a different spot
/GuildMove (guild name) mapnumber locX locY = move whole guild to a different spot

map numbers and locations:
0 = lorencia - 125/125
1 = dungeon - Level 2: 233/126 - Level 3: 3/85
2 = davias - 199/42
3 = noria - 176/110
4 = losttower - LT1: 208/78 - LT3: 86/166 - LT5: 130/53 - LT7: 8/85
5 = unknown (don't move here - will cause errors)
6 = Arena - 63/160
7 = Atlans - 24/19
8 = Tarkan - 187/58
9 = Devil Square
10 = Icarus (skycity) - Start: 15/13 - DPH: 47/205
11 = Blood Castle I - Start: 15/13 - End: 15/94
12 = Blood Castle II - Start: 15/13 - End: 15/94
13 = Blood Castle III - Start: 15/13 - End: 15/94
14 = Blood Castle IV - Start: 15/13 - End: 15/94
15 = Blood Castle V - Start: 15/13 - End: 15/94
16 = Blood Castle VI - Start: 15/13 - End: 15/94

Hacking :
dai flood la firewall-ul serverului :) >>>
Dupe Hack >>>
MuHaHa >>>

Daca imi mai aduc aminte de ceva :) revin cu un Edit
~ WebMaster ~
~ WebMaster ~

masculin Numarul mesajelor : 897
Varsta : 28
Localizare : Calafat
Joburi/Distractii : putzele , fetele
Stare de spirit : Fortos
Data de inscriere : 20/03/2008

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