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Cum faci GmSHop

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Cum faci GmSHop Empty Cum faci GmSHop

Mesaj Scris de tw33ty Mar Apr 15, 2008 10:51 pm

Making a GM Shop :
Ok, este foarte usor de facut, dar pt ca nu multi stiu cum sa faca am decis sa fac un ghid:
Part 1: Gasirea GM Shop

tre sa sti asta::
shop0.txt = Hans the Blacksmith = 251
shop1.txt = Bar Lorencia = 255
shop2.txt = Pasi The Wizard = 254
shop3.txt = Peddler (N00b area) = 250
shop4.txt = Peddler (Far to the north) = 248
shop5.txt = Potion Girl = 253
shop6.txt = Bar Davias = 244
shop7.txt = Wizard Shop Davias = 245
shop8.txt = Weapon/Armor Shop Davias = 246
shop9.txt = Yoda-Looking Dude In Noria XD = 243
shop10.txt = Elf Lala = 242

Numerele reprezinta numarul NPC`ului in Monster.txt si monsterbase.txt.
Tine minste asta......
Gaseste, in monstersetbase.txt, toate intrarile care incep cu numarul NPC`ului pe care l`ai selectat
Ex. Vrei sa il selectezi pe Hans? Tre sa gasesti liniile astea (EXAMPLE, REMEMBER!!)
251 0 0 116 141 3 251 0 0 123 126 3

una din ele.In cealalalta linie,cea pe care nu ai sters`o, pui coord
undeva unde nimeni nu poate sa ajunga decat tu cu warpu`.

251 6 0 250 250 0

este un spot izolat din arena , 251 fiind codul monstrului,6 fiind
numarul harti si 250 250 coordonatele iar celelate cifre ceva ce tu nu
tre sa te joci cu ele .

Ok, ai pus coord "GM shop"`ului si te`ai
asigurat ca nimeni nu poate sa ajunga la elsi nu sunt duplicate ale
shopului.Desigur poti sa faci 2 GM shopuri in locatii diferite.

Part 2:

FPt partea asta iti tre:MuBagShopEditor
In acest caz deoarece il folosim pe Hans tre sa editam fisiereu shop0.txt.Deschide MuBagShopEditor.
In cazul meu vad asta:

the Black Smith 4 15 11 255 0 0 0 //Bolts+11 4 7 11 255 0 0 0
//Arrows+11 14 8 0 100 0 0 0 //Antidote 14 1 11 100 0 0 0 //Small
Healing Potion+11 14 2 11 100 0 0 0 //Medium Healing Potion+11 14 3 11
100 0 0 0 //Large Healing Potion+11 14 4 11 100 0 0 0 //Small Mana
Potion+11 14 5 11 100 0 0 0 //Medium Mana Potion+11 14 6 11 100 0 0 0
//Large Mana Potion+11 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 //Guardian Angel 13 1 0 0 0 0 0
//Satan 13 2 0 0 0 0 0 //Horn of Unilia 13 3 0 255 0 0 0 //DinoRant 14
14 0 0 0 0 0 //Jewel of Soul 14 13 0 255 0 0 0 //Jewel of Bless 14 16 0
255 0 0 0 //Jewel of Life 0 1 0 255 1 1 4 //Short Sword+0+16+skill+luck
0 2 0 255 1 1 4 //Rapier+0+16+skill+luck 0 3 0 255 1 1 4
//Katache+0+16+skill+luck 0 4 0 255 1 1 4 //Scimitar+0+16+skill+luck 0
5 0 255 1 1 4 //Blade+0+16+skill+luck 0 6 0 255 1 1 4
//Gladius+0+16+skill+luck 0 7 0 255 1 1 4 //Falchion+0+16+skill+luck 0
8 0 255 1 1 4 //Serpent Borg+0+16+skill+luck 0 9 0 255 1 1 4
//Salamander+0+16+skill+luck 0 10 0 255 1 1 4 //Light
Saber+0+16+skill+luck 0 11 0 255 1 1 4 //Legendary
Sword+0+16+skill+luck 0 15 0 255 1 1 4 //Giant Sword+0+16+skill+luck 0
12 0 255 1 1 4 //Helical Sword+0+16+skill+luck 7 1 0 255 0 1 4 //Dragon
Helm+0+16+luck 8 1 0 255 0 1 4 //Dragon Armor+0+16+luck 9 1 0 255 0 1 4
//Dragon Pants+0+16+luck 10 1 0 255 0 1 4 //Dragon Gloves+0+16+luck 11
1 0 255 0 1 4 //Dragon Boots+0+16+luck //Black Dragon Set 7 16 0 255 0
1 7 //Black Dragon Helm 8 16 0 255 0 1 4 //Black Dragon Armor 9 16 0
255 0 1 4 //Black Dragon Pants 10 16 0 255 0 1 4 //Black Dragon Gloves
11 16 0 255 0 1 4 //Black Dragon Boots

Folosind MuBagShopEditor, sterge fiecare linie. Acum gaseste itemele pe care vrei sa le pui in shop:
Ex. Daca vrei sa pui totate Bokurile pui codurile astea::

The Blacksmith 14 11 8 255 0 1 0 //Box of Kundun+1+Luck 14 11 9 255 0 1
0 //Box of Kundun+2+Luck 14 11 10 255 0 1 0 //Box of Kundun+3+Luck 14
11 11 255 0 1 0 //Box of Kundun+4+Luck 14 11 12 255 0 1 0 //Box of
Kundun+5+Luck end

Prima linie probabil ca nu va aparea , asta nu
conteaza.., deci tine minte acest fisier shop este doar pe Hans The
Blacksmith si nu sterge ultima comanda (end) Fara ea GameServer va da
Cam asta e tot ce tre sa sti ca sa faci un GM Shop
~ WebMaster ~
~ WebMaster ~

masculin Numarul mesajelor : 897
Varsta : 28
Localizare : Calafat
Joburi/Distractii : putzele , fetele
Stare de spirit : Fortos
Data de inscriere : 20/03/2008

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